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Planning Board Minutes 02/21/19
Regular Meeting
February 21st, 2019

Members & Planning Staff Present:               
Janet McEwen (Chair), Mary Allen (Member), John Robertson (Ex-Officio), Bob Holmes (Member), Ashley Brudnick-Destromp (Assistant to Land Use Boards), and Lynne Rosansky (Member)

Members/Staff Absent: Carol Ogilvie (Planning Consultant), Chris Condon (Vice Chair), and Steve MacDonald (Alternate)

Others Present: Neal Pattison (resident)

CTO: Chair McEwen called the meeting to order at  6:59 PM.


Review: Chair McEwen asked the Board to review the minutes from 2/7/19.

Discussion: Ms. Brudnick-Destromp said that she listened to the recording, and will add the motion to approve the minutes, and the motion to end the meeting. There were several errors pointed out by other members.

Motion:  Mr. Holmes made a motion to accept the minutes as amended, Ms. Rosansky second it.

Vote: By a voice vote, all were in favor.

II. Planning Assistant Report
Ms. Brudnick-Destromp said she was contacted by Tom Davis and Art Kaufman in regards to the ITW Pierce Lake cell tower. Mr. Davis was concerned that the cell tower company was well past their 9 month construction deadline, since their building permit was issued in March of 2018. Ms. Brudnick-Destromp informed the Board that she explained to Mr. Davis that the “start date” of construction is the day construction on the tower is physically started, and not the date a building permit is issued. There was a discussion amongst the board on the definition of “start of construction.” It was determined by a majority of the Board that the general agreement is the day the shovel hits the ground for the construction of the physical tower, as the tower is what the building permit is issued for. There was further discussion on how cutting of trees and building of roads does not count as start of construction, or soil testing.
Ms. Brudnick-Destromp informed the Board that Mr. Kaufman had wanted to know the names of the carriers that would be going on the tower, what is the definition of “completion”, and he was concerned about clear cutting. Ms. Brudnick-Destromp informed the Board that herself, Chair McEwen, Ms. Ogilvie, the Board of Selectman, the Town Administrator, and the Building Inspector were all working together to make sure everything is being done as it was determined by the Planning Board. If there is a violation by ITW, the Board of Selectman are to address it. If ITW does not fix the issue, then the Planning Board would have the power to revoke the approval at that point. Ms. Brudnick-Destromp added that so far, it appears ITW has done everything correctly.
Ms. Brudnick-Destromp added that she had reached out to Kevin Delaney at ITW to inquire about several questions Mr. Davis and Mr. Kaufman had, and to verify the start date of construction the company had on their end vs the one Dario Carrara had. Mr. Carrara believes the official start date is November 6th, 2018, and therefore completion needs to happen prior to July 6th, 2019. Mr. Delaney is out on vacation, but she did speak to Tom Lennon who informed her that Mr. Delaney will call her next week, and as far as Mr. Lennon knows, there is only 1 carrier going on the tower 100% and that is ITW’s own network. Mr. Lennon added that to his knowledge, they will be finished before July of 2019, and that there was no clear cutting he knew of but Mr. Delaney knows way more on the project. Ms. Brudnick-Destromp said that after she has the opportunity to speak to Mr. Delaney, that the Town will respond to both Mr. Davis and Mr. Kaufman to answer all their questions at once.

III. Update on CBS Holdings LLC.
Ms. Brudnick-Destromp explained that she received an application and a check from Mr. Bosse that was turned in the day she left for vacation, but that due to the fact there is a mortgage on the property, she was waiting for a letter from the lender, and also needed a signature from the other partner before she could process it. Ms. Brudnick-Destromp added
that she also emailed Mr. Bosse to touch base today and did not receive a response back yet on if he wished to continue with the application and process, or if he wanted the check returned to him.

IV. Discussion of Land Use Chapter for revised Master Plan:
Chair McEwen asked the board if they had a chance to review the “Implementation,” packet she had distributed last time. Mr. Holmes said he did not understand why the time isn’t being spent on land use, and put in short/long term goals. Chair McEwen said that she wanted to go through this, because some of it may be appropriate still and some might not. Mr. Holmes and Chair McEwen had a discussion on the importance of going through the packet.
Chair McEwen went one at time through each category in the “Implementation,” packet, and the board discussed and decided what category each subject should go into. Mr. Holmes gave additional insight, as he had been involved in the original development of the implementation packet. Ms. Rosansky expressed her concerns on how Antrim wants economic development, but that there is a fundamental contradiction. Ms. Rosansky further explained that economic development is constantly changing, and shifting, and how currently it’s deals with more virtual business then box stores. Chair McEwen added that it would benefit to have targeted sites within the town to attract businesses, but not limiting them to only those areas. Mr. Holmes added to what Chair McEwen said, in that having these sites that are ready for economic development wouldn’t require the businesses to have to go through the Zoning Board, and that they would be ready for development if someone chose to utilize them. Ms. Rosansky also mentioned a “Big Picture Vision,” and how the state requires only 2 things in the Master Plan, Vision and Land Use. Chair McEwen and Ms. Rosansky had a discussion on the difference of having just the Vision and Land Use, and adding other elements.
Mr. Holmes will be leaving the Planning Board this year, as his term is ending and he did not go for re-election. Both Mr. Holmes and Ms. Ogilvie had worked on revising the Master Plan, along with Mr. Bryk who also is no longer on the Board. Mr. Holmes said that he did not mind continuing to assist on the subcommittee for the Master Plan, but that he wanted to see what the Chapters would be first prior to continuing his commitment.
Chair McEwen also added how vital it is to have Ms. Ogilvie assist with the Master Plan.

V. Other Business:
Ms. Brudnick-Destromp said she wanted to remind the Board that Meet the Candidates Night was next Wednesday, February 27th at 7:00PM at the Little Town Hall.
Ms. Brudnick-Destromp mentioned that there was a representative from Solar Wolf who reached out to her regarding a 7 acre solar farm on Kevin Quigley’s property who had contacted her asking what he needed to do application wise. Ms. Brudnick-Destromp informed the Board that she had consulted with Ms. Ogilvie, and informed him he would need to do an application to the Planning Board for a conditional use permit, and a major site plan review, as well as an application to the Zoning Board of Adjustments as he would need at least one variance regarding the lot coverage being over 40% in the rural district. She has not heard from him since that last conversation.

Motion: Mr. Holmes made a motion to close the meeting, Ms. Rosansky second it.

Vote: By a voice vote, all agreed

Meeting Adjourned:  ~ The meeting was adjourned at 8:25PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Ashley Brudnick-Destromp
(Assistant to Land Use Boards)